
Here are some of my favorite handicraft websites and ideas. I am trying to expand this area of our homeschool and still need to find some handicrafts for boys. Right now, here are a few things we do:

The boys (10 & 5) keep a 3X5 photo album with their favorite recipes inside the pockets instead of pictures. This is done for copywork but also Austin (10) must know how to cook the recipe before he can put it inside his Recipe Album. Joshua helps. They love cooking together!

Abby (almost 5) loves rubber stamping, making cards for shut-ins and sick friends and family, and simple sewing. I recently purchased a knitting knobby for her to learn to knit with. I have high hopes that she will enjoy that and it won't be too difficult for her to master.



American Boys Handibook

American Girls Handibook

Beginning Crochet

Gardening With Kids

Working With Clay

Beadwork & Misc. Projects

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